It saddens me to think that there are children in this country that don’t have access to playground equipment, a bit of green, or somewhere to kick a ball and run around.

Childhood memories are made from the simplest of things. Personally, I don’t remember the first time I got the highest score on a PlayStation game, but what I do remember is playing football at the park with my Dad and playing an exciting game of manhunt with my friends.
I was quite lucky to have lived in a nice, family estate with access to a play area and playing fields, but many children don’t have this privilege.
Housing developments continue to spring up all over the UK and current policies enforce that all new house builders must have a proposal for play and recreation areas incorporated into their development plans. This is great and hopefully will help this country march on in its fight against child obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

Does your housing estate have somewhere that children can safely play outside?
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