Once all of your planning and research is complete, the next
step is to write a successful funding application letter that will persuade
funders to accept your bid. Writing a good funding appeal letter may seem
daunting but here are some tips to help you as you begin to write your
After all, if you don’t ask properly, you won’t get
Key starting points
- Make sure that you address your application to the correct person.
- Personalise your application to each individual funder.
- Use a clear font with a simple layout and structure.
- Use a clear, catchy and appropriate title.
- Be passionate and enthusiastic about the project.
- Be emotional.
- Be interesting and fresh.
- Be different (stand out from the rest).
- Keep it simple and don’t waffle! Short, concise, to the point sentences.
- Make it as exciting as possible from the start.
- Use active language such as: “this project will” not “this project could”. Illustrate how the project will make a difference and focus on the positive outcomes that will come from the funding.
- Make it personal using ‘we’ and ‘us’. This will make them feel involved in the project.
- Tell a story to allow funders to relate to the project.
- Tell them the benefits of the project and how it will help people.
- Case studies of previous projects will back your application up – show your success stories!
- Proof read it over and over again using numerous people (fresh eyes might pick on something that you have missed).
- Always check for consistency.
- Say thank you!!
- Invite the funders to your grand opening and send them photographs of the finished site.
Good Luck!