8 July 2011

Air Glider draws crowds at Playfair

Thanks to all our customers who came to see us at Playfair last week. We have just about recovered from demonstrating some of the exciting new products we had on stand! 

Our dynamic Air Glider proved a huge attraction at the show, with everyone keen to have a go on this eye-catching new addition to our popular movers range. We had great feedback with people welcoming the opportunity to have a unique piece of equipment that offered the same thrill factor as our aerial runway, but with less space required.  

The weather wasn’t as kind to us as in previous years, but we still had a great show, meeting lots of people keen to create new and exciting playgrounds, and revamp some existing ones too.

Highlights of the show included meeting keynote speaker Sally Gunnell OBE and learning how our brand new Training Buddies range can provide an energetic workout with fitness guru Steve Barrett. Steve helped advise customers, and staff alike, how they could benefit from using Training Buddies as part of their exercise routine. 

To find out more about the Air Glider, Training Buddies and the complete range of Playdale products, visit our main website at http://www.playdale.co.uk/

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