13 July 2011

Playday highlights need for more outdoor play

New research from Play England has found that 59 per cent of children wish they could play outside in natural places more than they currently do.

The study, completed to coincide with the official launch of this year’s Playday, also found that 7 out of 10 parents think taking their children to outdoor places to play is a real treat.

The new findings show a stark contrast between the habits of today’s children and their parents. Of those questioned, 72 per cent of parents played outside rather than indoors when they were young, whereas only 4 in 10 children spend as much time outdoors today.

Catherine Prisk, Co-Director of Play England, said: “Play - outside and indoors - is essential for children's health, well-being and happiness now, and is also important for their future development, to build vital life and social skills. It’s important that we overcome the barriers to outdoor play by addressing parents’ safety concerns, protecting and making the most of outdoor spaces in our communities and acknowledging the pressures on family time.”

Playday is an annual celebration of children’s right to play and takes place on 3rd August this year.

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