10 February 2012

Once upon a story time....

What was your favourite time of the day at primary school?

Apart from home time, story time was a magical part of mine. It gave my wild and wonderful imagination a chance to delve into the mysterious realms of fiction. From strange Cats in Hats, to Stories that Neverend; my imagination would run away with itself developing friendships with characters that have lasted a lifetime. To this day I still believe that if I ever met a giant he would be big and friendly.

Books may have taken a backseat in recent years to television, film and the internet; and the way technology is developing, books may soon be placed in the same category as slate and chalk. However, I’m sure many people in the world will agree that you can’t beat a good book?

Reading is an important part of a child’s development and growth. It can help them to become confident learners, enhance their communication skills and creativity. It cultivates their imagination and allows them to express themselves. But most importantly of all: they absolutely love it!

Playdale’s Schools and Nurseries range has delivered some fantastic new products this year that are certain to make children’s story-time that little bit more enchanting. The fabulous Storytelling Chair and Toadstools will transform your outdoor learning area into an amphitheatre of dreams, fantasy and excitement.

Make your next story time one to remember!

To request a brochure visit www.playdaleschools.co.uk or click here

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